What is Platinum Point?

Platinum Point is a meeting of the minds. PP (as it’s known) is not a normal networking group. It’s an invitation only club.

How do you join?

Members are asked to join on the basis that they are highly skilled in their type of business and as a result, extremely referrable.

What is the Platinum Point USP?

  • To generate referrals and create new business opportunities

  • To support, educate and learn from one another

  • To enjoy a wide variety of social and team events, as well as to actively support a chosen local charity.

There’re lots of business networking groups around, such as BNI and women’s networking. What makes PP different?

It’s much more inclusive. It’s also all about being in the room, getting to know one another, building genuine, trusting relationships and having fun too.


How much business has Platinum Point generated for its members?

Recent figures show that c.£1m was generated during 2023.


Does everyone do that well?

It takes time. These figures reflect a certain percentage of members. That’s why we encourage everyone to have as many 1-2-1’s as possible and to make as many PP meetings as possible. Platinum Point is all about business relationships, getting to know each other and building trust and confidence in one another, as well as creating a go-to list of suppliers.


How many Platinum Point members are there?

There are currently 22 members, but this number generally varies between 20-30.


How is the group run?

Platinum Point is an independent, member-run, not-for-profit networking group. Its assets, including the bank balance, belong to the members as a body. Every member is equal.


How is the group structured?

Key to Platinum Point’s success is the chairperson role, which is rotated quarterly. Two members are selected to be chairs of the group on a rota basis. This helps to keep meetings feeling fresh and full of energy, meaning that the group ends up with its own unique formula and continues to grow and improve. 


How often do members meet?

Members meet on a weekly basis every Tuesday morning. 

What time are the meetings?

Members arrive from 6:45am, ready for the meetings to start at 7am and finish at 9am.

Where do members meet?

The Golf Club at Mill Green, Gypsy Lane, Welwyn Garden City AL7 4TY

How much does it cost to be a member?

2023 PP membership costs £70 per month.


What does the membership include?

  • Attendance and breakfast at all meetings

  • Christmas annual dinner

  • Annual summer away day (previous trips have included Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Paris and York)

  • Presentation slots

  • Exclusive occupation of a business specialism seat.


What is a JAM or 60 second pitch and do I have to do one every week?

JAM means just a minute. This is also known as an elevator pitch. You introduce yourself, explain what you do, what makes your business stand out from the rest and what sort of referrals you are ideally looking for.


How do you contact Platinum Point?

We are an invitation-only group, so please contact us if you’d like to come along as a guest via: hello@platinum-point.co.uk or by sending us a message in the contact page.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.